Your mind
Choice is something we all have it’s like having power to
rule over your life, to take decision over your life, your future. Sometimes
you make the right one’s but sometimes you make the wrong one’s, if there
something you haven’t noticed is that life has a menu, (just like in the
restaurants) before you order you have to think and look “on what you order” on
what you are choosing to have, because if you don’t look on what you order (the
choices you are making in life) you will end up ordering wrong food that can
make you sick, food you are allergic to, (you might end up making wrong
decisions that you will have to live with for the rest of you life or that will
cause you to face certain consequences you don’t want to live with ).
You need to ask yourself “what kind of orders are you
choosing? What kind of people, friends, things, relationships, habits etc are
you bringing into your life?” are they wrong or right? Are they going to cost
you or benefit you? Are they for life (eternal) or just temporary? Open your
eyes, start considering things before you make choices about your life, because
they might seem to be meaningless but they are permanent (eternal) they affect
you future.
back to your senses and start choosing the right orders, right choices about
your life.
By Alpheus Gonane
Apologies about the errors on this post(repeating words) "in the in the"