Wednesday 23 May 2012

Your mind “The Real you”

Your mind

“The Real you”
The bible tells you that God created you in His own Image and likeness in the book of Genesis 1: 26-27, now you need to understand who you are, your true identity and where you originate from (originate – originally from). You need to know who your source is, like the bible tells you in the book of Genesis 1:25 Then God said “Let us make man in our own image, in our likeness, and let them rule over all the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.” This gives you a clear brief or understanding that you are a product of God and that your purpose is in God.
You did not create yourself therefore you can’t tell yourself what your purpose is. If I were to present to you an invention you haven’t seen before, would you know how to operate it? Would you know its purpose? I guess your answer is a big No! You would need the inventor to tell the purpose of his invention and how to operate it or a user’s manual authorised by the inventor. You are an invention of God, God is your inventor, and the bible is your manual it describes who you are and what your abilities are and who your source is.
A plant has a source (soil and water) if it doesn’t stick to its source it will die, you also have a source which is God your creator, whom you must stick to, to survive, to live abundantly, to live to your fullest ability. Now you need to understand that when you don’t stick to your source you malfunction, you don’t function to your fullest abilities, (the source for a car is petrol, if you take water and pour it in petrol tank of a car, everything will seem okay for some few minutes, when you start running the engine it will run and the car will move, you will drive a mile or two because the car will be using the petrol that was remaining before you poured water in it, but after few minutes in the middle of the road  it will start to malfunction because you did not put petrol in it which is its source) and when the car start to  malfunction it will need the authorised dealer, (if the malfunctioning car is an Audi you will have to take it to an authorised Audi dealer) to fix it.
But if you take the car to any dealer it will be okay for a while but soon it will start malfunctioning again that’s why it is important to take it to an authorised dealer,” God is your authorised dealer.”
God wants you to return to him to discover who you really are in him; he wants to restore you, to renew you, to make you a new product again like you were before when he created you, when he invented you. He loves you, his love for you never changes, and He cares about you. It is all in you to accept his offer, you don’t need to pay any price because the Lord Jesus Christ paid the price for you on the cross, all you need to do is to come to Him and acknowledge him as your Lord and Savior, (Romans 10:9-11) and give your life to him, take this time and return to him for he is your creator, your inventor, your source, your authorised dealer, and only in him you can discover your purpose, he is your everything, he is your God.

By Alpheus Gonane

Sunday 13 May 2012

Your mind "Life has menu"

Your mind

Choice is something we all have it’s like having power to rule over your life, to take decision over your life, your future. Sometimes you make the right one’s but sometimes you make the wrong one’s, if there something you haven’t noticed is that life has a menu, (just like in the restaurants) before you order you have to think and look “on what you order” on what you are choosing to have, because if you don’t look on what you order (the choices you are making in life) you will end up ordering wrong food that can make you sick, food you are allergic to, (you might end up making wrong decisions that you will have to live with for the rest of you life or that will cause you to face certain consequences you don’t want to live with ). 

You need to ask yourself “what kind of orders are you choosing? What kind of people, friends, things, relationships, habits etc are you bringing into your life?” are they wrong or right? Are they going to cost you or benefit you? Are they for life (eternal) or just temporary? Open your eyes, start considering things before you make choices about your life, because they might seem to be meaningless but they are permanent (eternal) they affect you future.

Come back to your senses and start choosing the right orders, right choices about your life.

 By Alpheus Gonane

Tuesday 8 May 2012

YOUR MIND "life is a journey not a destination"

Your mind

“Life is a journey not a Destination”
Life is a journey not a destination” you have turned to make your journey a destination, by making your success a destination and that limits your potential, thinking and vision in your life. You can do more than you did last year, last month, yesterday and today, but the problem is you turn to limit yourself by looking and leaning on what you have achieved yesterday or in the previous years and by doing that you are limiting your potential because you are leaning on the past while you are living in Today to the future. Learn to move on, to adjust, to upgrade our potential (if you are hungry or get hungry, you don’t eat once and get full forever, you eat each and everyday of your life.) you need to feed you mind (train) more and more.

Where you are right now is not your destination, you are still on the journey to learn, to grow, to rule, to take dominion etc (look at Technology it started with black & white TV’s, slow computers etc, but people who are in technology never limited themselves or Technology itself, today you can watch HD TV’s, colour T.V’s, fast computers with extra features, laptops etc) that’s because they invested more time in learning and inventing Technology, they never relaxed  or leaned on their first inventions (black & white TV’s, slow computers etc)  the one’s created in the past, and Technology is still growing to this very day.
Never limit yourself; never limit your vision by your current or past success. Success is just a stop sign where drivers stop for a while when they are on the drive way and drive off when it’s clear, success is not the end of the road, it’s not the end of your journey. Look at the tourist they are always travelling (journey) they never go on one journey then stop travelling, no matter what comes their way they always travel to different places (a tourist might drive on the road with pot-holes but he will not turn back because of that ,he will keep on going until he get to the place ). Don’t be discouraged by other people’s opinions, don’t be afraid of challenges because they teach us and they make us grow, when challenges come just keep on going like a tourist who never give up because of a road with pot-holes.

Learn to face the challenges and keep on going. I don’t know if you have noticed this ;( drivers who don’t know certain areas or places use “GPS”, it helps them to get where they are going, but the GPS doesn’t show them what is ahead of the road, it never show when there’s and accident ahead, but when a driver find that there’s an accident he doesn’t quit or go back, he search for other roads, directions to get to the place).When one door is closed in your life it doesn’t mean it’s the end , search for other doors, also it doesn’t mean if a door is closed it’s locked you just need to take a step and open it or just knock or you will find that you know where the key is and you know how to get it, but you turn to be discouraged to take a step to get the key. Be strong and courageous, stand up and walk this journey.


By Alpheus Gonane